suspend operations

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

suspend operations

操業を停止する 営業を停止する 休業する 運転を停止する (⇒suspension of operations)

suspend operationsの用例

As an abnormal situation, imports of liquefied natural gas, the fuel needed for operating power companies’ thermal power stations, have increased to a massive ¥6 trillion a year after the operations of nuclear reactors were suspended around the country.

By the instruction of the China Food and Drug Administration, the Shanghai city government suspended operations of Shanghai Husi Food and confiscated raw materials and products at the firm which had sold expired meat products.

Governors are able to order eating and dining establishments to suspend operations or to shorten their business hours under the revised special measures law to cope with new strains of influenza, and administrative fines will be imposed if an order is not complied with.

Some Japanese-affiliated companies and Japanese restaurants have been forced to suspend their factory operations or close their outlets due to the acts of destruction by Chinese demonstrators.

The company suspended operations at the factory for about three months.

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