strong yen

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

strong yen

強い円 円高 (⇒unfavorable [Brit. unfavourable])

strong yenの関連語句

strong yenの用例

A strong yen could lead to lower import prices and prolonged deflation.

A strong yen should not be wholly rejected as it represents the strength of the nation.

Both electronics makers are struggling amid a strong yen and weakened economic conditions in Japan and overseas.

Car sales shrank due to the strong yen.

Japan suffered from a strong yen and depression under deflation for many years.

On foreign exchange markets, the excessively strong yen has been corrected and the weaker yen is becoming the norm.

The BOJ increased the amount in a reserve fund used to purchase government and corporate bonds by ¥10 trillion to ¥80 trillion, but this step has not brought about such desired effects as a correction of a strong yen.

The company believes that its products can distinguish themselves from those of Chinese and Taiwan makers even if it relocates part of its production in China to Japan as demand for LCD panels that are high-quality, thin, light and low on power consumption has been strong.

The Japanese economy is losing momentum with the burdens of a strong yen and high labor costs as well as higher electric power output costs.

The prices of Audi’s all-new Q5 sport-utility vehicle range from ¥5.79 million to ¥6.37 million (consumption tax included), and it passed the benefits of the strong yen on to consumers by making high-grade aluminum wheels and car navigation systems standard features.

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