spread of infections with the new coronavirus (COVID-19)

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

spread of infections with the new coronavirus (COVID-19)


spread of infections with the new coronavirus (COVID-19)の用例

According to the BOJ’s Tankan quarterly economic survey for March 2020, the diffusion index which indicates business sentiment plunged among both large companies and small and midsize companies, due to the spread of infections with the new coronavirus.

In the wake of the spread of infections with the new coronavirus (COVID-19), Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has issued a declaration of a state of emergency based on the revised law on special measures against new strains of influenza to stem infections and to protect the medical system.

Teleworking at home using information and communication technology is gaining momentum with the spread of infections with the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

The declaration of a state of emergency issued to respond to the spread of infections with the new coronavirus covers seven prefectures including Tokyo and Osaka over a period through May 6, 2020.

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