short-term interest rate

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

short-term interest rate


short-term interest rateの用例

As short-term interest rates are currently near zero, there is little room for the BOJ to make further adjustments.

China’s short-term interest rates have been under upward pressure, and some economic analysts see this situation as a precursor of an end to some shadow banks.

Regarding the easy-money measure which has been in place since December 2008, the Fed will not lift short-term interest rates from zero until the unemployment rate shrinks to 6.5 percent.

Short-term interest rates in the Tokyo market rose as some financial institutions hurried to obtain newly released funds.

The federal funds rate, a benchmark short-term interest rate, was cut to 3.5 percent per annum and the official discount rate to 3 percent per annum.

Upward pressure on short-term interest rates is strengthened by the postponement of local allocation tax grants.

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