short of

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

short of

〜が不足している 〜が足りない 〜不足 〜が十分ない 〜以外は 〜を除いて 〜の手前で 〜なしでは(without) 〜は別問題として 〜の手前で (⇒nothing short of)

short ofの関連語句

short ofの用例

According to KEPCO’s estimate, if all its nuclear reactors remain idle, power supply in August 2012 will be 14.9 percent short of the peak demand seen in summer 2010 when temperatures were extremely high.

According to U.S. President-elect Joe Biden, about 2 million people have been vaccinated for the new coronavirus. But this is well short of the 20 million that outgoing Republican U.S. President Donald Trump had promised by the end of the year.

At the London Olympics, Ai Fukuhara fell short of the semifinals in women’s table tennis singles.

If financial institutions become short of funds in the process of the FSA’s special inspections, the government must immediately inject public funds.

In women’s table tennis singles at the London Olympics, Ai Fukuhara fell short of the semifinals.

Senators voted 42-57 on a motion to restrict debate on the steel quota bill, 18 votes short of the 60 votes needed to pass the motion.

The coalition parties now hold a total of 110 seats, 12 short of 122, a majority in the House of Councilors.

The low-key testimony of the two witnesses fell short of giving the Democrats the ammunition.

The Vice Foreign Minister of China stopped well short of condemning the rocket launch planned by Pyongyang.

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