sex crime

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

sex crime

性犯罪 (⇒sex offense parolee)

sex crimeの関連語句

sex crimeの用例

Children under 18 years old are involved in sex crimes triggered by the use of social media such as Twitter.

Rape and indecent sexual assault are not subject to prosecution unless the victim files a complaint, but many victims of these sex crimes do not press charges due to fears that they will face prejudice from people around them and that their assailants may retaliate.

The Justice Ministry decided to impose tougher probationary supervision on perpetrators of sex crimes who leave prison on parole.

The Justice Ministry issued a notice to public prosecutors offices around the nation and called on them to give utmost consideration to the feelings of the victims when dealing with sex crimes, before the revised Penal Code came into force.

There are many cases of sex crimes in which children under 18 years old were lured out by men they met through the Internet and social media, and the men committed indecent acts on the children or pressured them to send naked pictures of themselves.

Violence against women takes various forms including sex crimes, prostitution, domestic violence and sexual harassment.

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