
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)住民投票 国民投票 (⇒national referendum law, recall referendum)



According to the early returns of a referendum held in eastern Ukraine, about 96 percent of those who turned out in the Luhansk region voted for sovereignty.

According to the early returns of a referendum held in eastern Ukraine, 89 percent of those who cast ballots in the Donetsk region voted for sovereignty.

According to the early tabulations of the two-day Egypt’s referendum in the state-run and private news media, a revised Constitution validating the military takeover in July 2013 is heading for lopsided approval.

After winning the approval of about 64 percent of voters in a two-stage national referendum, Egypt’s new Constitution was enforced.

A referendum in which the residents of Crimea region voted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia was held in accordance with international legal norms, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

A referendum on the EU bailout deal for debt-ridden Greece was called by Greek Prime Minister Papandreou.

A referendum on the future of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula was implemented on March 16, 2014 though U.S. President Barack Obama had expressed a glimmer of hope that it could be halted.

At least nine EU nations plan to put the ratification of the EU’s Constitution to a referendum.

Egypt’s new Constitution established under the initiative of President Mohammed Morsi, a former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, was enforced after winning the approval of voters in a two-stage national referendum held in December 2012.

Europe faces the nightmare prospect that the once-stalwart French could reject the charter in next month’s national referendum.

Greece’s finance minister rejected a proposed referendum on staying in the eurozone.

In an election which will pave the way for Brexit under Boris Johnson or propel Britain towards another referendum, voters went to the polls.

In a precursor to a referendum for the autonomous republic of Crimea to become part of Russia, the pro-Moscow lawmakers of the Crimean Parliament voted for independence from Ukraine on March 11, 2014.

In the British House of Commons (general) election, the Scottish National Party won almost 50 of Scotland’s 59 seats. This will embolden its demands for a new referendum on Scottish independence.

In the referendum on Scottish independence, the Yes side accuses its foes of scaremongering and says independence will give Scots political control and economic prosperity.

Parliamentary requirements for initiating constitutional revisions should be relaxed to make it easier for the people, with whom sovereign power resides, have the opportunity to take part in constitutional judgments through national referendums.

Seven ruling and opposition parties’ joint submission of a bill to revise the National Referendum Law is a step forward in preparing an environment for amending the Constitution.

The approval of at least two-thirds of the members of each house prior to a special referendum is required of a revision of the Constitution by the Diet’s initiation.

The Crimeans of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula voted in a contentious referendum on whether to split off from Ukraine and seek annexation by Russia.

The divisions in Egypt were laid bare by a referendum on a revised Constitution held six months after the military removed the elected Islamist president.

The referendum of Greece will decide whether the country can get another last-ditch financial rescue in exchange for more harsh austerity measures.

Voter turnout for the referendum surpassed the quorum needed to validate the vote.

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[名](複)~s,((まれ))-da /-də/[C][U]

1 (…についての)国民投票≪on≫;その制度

by referendum

hold a referendum on the issue

2 (外交官が本国政府に求める)請訓書

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