radioactive substance

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

radioactive substance

放射性物質 (原子炉や使用済み核燃料のなかに含まれる放射性物質のうち、体内に取り込まれて問題になるのは、放射性のヨウ素、セシウム、ストロンチウム、プルトニウムなどである)

radioactive substanceの関連語句

radioactive substanceの用例

According to sources, the small unmanned helicopter drone, which was found on the rooftop of the prime minister’s office, tested positive for a radioactive substance thought to be cesium.

After the release of radioactive substances from Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant, two major food companies decided not to sign contracts this fiscal year with JA Zen-noh Fukushima which cultivates tomatoes.

Decontamination of areas contaminated with radioactive substances, management of residents’ health and compensation are the most important remaining issues.

The agency will check whether any radioactive substances could leak out of the facility.

The draft guideline of the Nuclear Regulation Authority presents measures to cope with situations where large quantities of radioactive substances have been discharged.

The possibility of a large amount of radioactive substances leaking from the reactors is now low.

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