
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)組織 機関 機構 団体 組織体 企業 会社 組織化 企画 企画力 段取り 構造 構成 (⇒business organization)



According to a report released by an independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), an independent organization established in 1999 by the International Olympic Committee to eradicate doping in sport, Russian athletes have used banned drugs constantly and systematically.

An earthquake disaster simulation exercise was conducted by the Sendai-based general headquarters of the GSDF’s North Eastern Army and other organizations in charge of disaster management, including local governments, police and fire stations.

An R&D team which made a manned suborbital spaceflight in 2004 was provided a huge prize by the X Prize Foundation, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit organization that supports technological development through public competitions.

As part of its reconstruction budget, the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry earmarked the cost for dealing with Sea Shepherd, an antiwhaling organization.

A specific personal information protection commission will be established as a third- party organization with a high degree of independence.

At present, the authority of the Palestinian Authority is limited only to the West Bank, with the Gaza Strip remaining under the control of the Islamist organization Hamas.

Big data, or vast amounts of electronic data, accumulate on the Internet and in the systems of business organizations.

For an organization to function smoothly, those in managerial positions also need good communication skills.

In such fields as humanitarian and anti-disaster relief and combating piracy, the Defense Ministry embarked on an assistance program to help Southeast Asian countries’ military and related organizations in beefing up their capabilities.

It is unrealistic to impose a ban on political donations from corporations, labor unions and other organizations.

Japanese government organizations have recently been the targets of a slew of cyber-attacks by hackers trying to steal important information.

JA Zenchu’s proposal for reforming itself attempts to water down the government’s efforts to reform agricultural cooperatives, while some LDP lawmakers with ties to farm and forestry organizations are even maneuvering to fall into line with the JA Zenchu plan.

NHK’s officials were urged to streamline the organization and strengthen its management.

On behalf of people suffering financial damages from malicious sales practices, the government decided to create a new law for filing lawsuits by qualified consumer organizations.

Riken and another research organization got the go-ahead to conduct clinical studies using iPS cells in the treatment of age-related macular degeneration, which is an intractable eye disease that can appear as part of aging.

The ISO, a private organization that sets international standards for industrial products, will adopt Japan-led global safety criteria for nursing-care robots.

This investment fund is a voluntary organization on the Civil Code and does not have corporate status.

To immediately sell banks’ shareholdings through the stock-purchasing organization would result in huge losses due to the bearish stock market.

To serve as the first chief of the new bureau of the International Criminal Police Organization, Noboru Nakatani, 44, who is on loan to the organization from the National Police Agency will be sent to Singapore.

Under the revised Law on Punishment of Organized Crimes and Control of Crime Proceeds, organized criminal groups which will be subject to clampdown include crime syndicates, drug smuggling rings, human trafficking organizations and bank transfer scam groups as well as terrorist organizations.

Women can still hit glass ceilings when they try to become managers of businesses and leaders of large organizations even when they have the same credentials and experience as their male counterparts, President Barack Obama said in a written interview.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報


or・gan・i・za・tion, ((特に英))or・gan・i・sa・tion
/ɔ̀ːrɡənizéiʃən | -naiz-/


1 [U]組織化,編成;準備,手配

1a [U]全体をまとめる能力,体系的思考力

2 [C]組織,機構,協会,団体,組合;〔集合的に〕(政党などの)役員(会)

a political organization

2a [U](社会・物事の)仕組み,構造

3 [C]((まれ))生命体

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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