nursery school

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

nursery school

保育園 保育所 託児所

nursery schoolの用例

A nursery school employee, who sought sadistic pleasure by force-feeding a 4-year-old boy fried chicken laced with the pungent condiment paste wasabi, was arrested on assault charges.

A nursery school’s childcare worker was arrested for allegedly covering the mouth of a 6-year-old boy with adhesive tape and ripping it off for fun.

Due to anxiety over possible infection with the new [novel] coronavirus, more parents and guardians are refraining from using nursery schools.

Young carers are responsible for a wide range of tasks, including preparing meals and other housework, dropping off and picking up siblings from nursery school, in addition to assisting with bathing and toilet needs, medication and financial management, and accompanying people on outings.

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núrsery schòol


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