jointly set up a new company

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

jointly set up a new company


jointly set up a new companyの用例

A revised bill to normalize and reinvigorate the taxi industry, jointly sponsored by the LDP, New Komeito and the DPJ, was recently enacted.

As a move to jeopardize the symbol of cooperation between South Korea and North Korea, Pyongyang cut off a military hotline with South Korea that allows cross-border travel to a jointly run industrial complex.

NTT Docomo Inc. is developing a new smartphone OS jointly with Korea’s Samsung Electronics Co. and other firms in an effort to compete with U.S. tech giants Google and Apple.

The censure motions against the two Cabinet ministers were submitted jointly by the main opposition parties.

The F-35, a next-generation jet produced jointly with the United States, has stealth capability that makes it virtually invisible to radar.

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