human resources

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

human resources

人的資源 人材 人事部 人事[人材]管理部門 労務管理部門(⇒marshal)

human resourcesの関連語句

human resourcesの用例

Behind Japan’s declining competitiveness in the field of science and technology are lackluster public fiscal support, the deteriorating research environment, and a shortage of human resources.

Due to a labor shortage, the competition for human resources is intensifying.

Due to a shortened job-hunting period for university students, it may become even more difficult for smaller companies to acquire human resources as only big companies may attract students.

In consideration of human resources and costs, outsourcing of work to overseas companies has been increasing in the field of information technology.

In order to foster human resources capable of playing key roles in technological innovation, the government will increase the degree of freedom for universities.

It is an urgent task to train younger human resources.

It is human resources that Japan, with its limited land and natural resources, can count on as the basis for its national power.

It would be a stretch to say that universities now adequately meet the need to develop talented human resources capable of performing admirably on the international stage and in local communities.

Japan’s future development rests on its success or failure in nurturing talented human resources.

Talented human resources are a key source of the nation’s corporate sector.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership framework to promote free trade among member countries is expected to invigorate the movement of human resources.

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