homegrown terrorism

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

homegrown terrorism

国産テロ ホームグローン・テロリズム (自国民が起こすテロ行為)

homegrown terrorismの関連語句

homegrown terrorismの用例

A despicable act of terrorism by an armed Islamist group can never be condoned.

Afghanistan was once a hotbed for international terrorism.

A group of Islamist extremists seized a natural gas complex in eastern Algeria and took a large number of foreign hostages, in a despicable act of terrorism.

Among international terrorist organizations are groups involved in organized drug trafficking to raise funds for terrorism.

At the Sochi Winter Olympics which has kicked off under the threat of potential terrorism, figure skating stars Mao Asada and Yuna Kim are to go at it again.

Enhancing the Philippines’ maritime security capability is conductive to beefing up piracy and terrorism countermeasures in the South China Sea and to securing vital shipping lanes to Japan.

French comedian Dieudonné was handed down two-month suspended jail sentence for condoning terrorism by a French court.

International cooperation is needed to stamp out a despicable act of terrorism.

The international community must stand firm against terrorism and stamp it out.

The move to put the fight against terrorism at the forefront comes in the wake of the coordinated terror attacks on theaters and sports stadiums in Paris.

The Sochi Winter Olympics in Sochi, a resort in the south of Russia on the Black Sea coast, has kicked off under the threat of potential terrorism because an Islamist radical group announced its intention to disrupt the Games through terrorist attacks.

The venue of Biden’s presidential inauguration ceremony and its surroundings were placed on high alert in order to prevent terrorism and infections with the new [novel] coronavirus.

To eradicate terrorism, the cooperation of the international community must be strengthened to resolutely deal with despicable terrorist acts.

Transnational terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction pose “direct and profound challenges” to APEC states.

homegrown terrorism

国産テロ ホームグローン・テロリズム (自国民が起こすテロ行為)

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