grow into

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

grow into

大きくなって[成長して]〜になる 〜に育つ 〜に成長する (仕事などに)慣れる

grow intoの関連語句

grow intoの用例

A new method to produce pluripotent cells that can grow into any type of mature tissue or organ is called “stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency (STAP)” in English and cells produced through the method were named STAP cells.

An international research team led by Haruko Obokata has discovered a third method of producing pluripotent cells that can grow into any type of mature tissue or organ.

A well-established theory in the field of life science was that once cells have grown into such tissues or organs as blood, skin, brain and internal organs, they never change into different types of cells.

ES cells have the potential to grow into any type of human cell or tissue in the body.

In the method of preimplantation diagnosis, the fertilized ova are cultivated for five years, and some of them are selected to check whether they have genetic disorders when they grow into multicellular blastocysts.

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