genome editing

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

genome editing

ゲノム編集 (=genome engineering:細胞の遺伝情報を自在に書き換える技術。⇒CRISPR/CAS9)

genome editingの用例

A genetic mutation by genome editing is virtually indistinguishable from conventional selective breeding.

Genome editing is a technology which is used to alter a cell’s genetic information at will.

Genome editing is expected to be useful for treating genetic diseases and infertility, but it may lead to births of “designer babies.”

The government will limit human embryo modification through genome editing to basic research.

The 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier of France and Jennifer Doudna of the United States who developed a method for genome editing.

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