fiscal cliff

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

fiscal cliff

財政の崖 (2013年が始まると同時に発動される米国の財政支出削減や増税措置。現行の減税措置の停止や強制的な政府支出の削減を意味する)

fiscal cliffの用例

Fiscal cliff refers to a significant reduction in the budget deficit that the U.S. government will face if Congress does not avert tax increases and spending cuts.

It remains uncertain how the U.S. will resolve the fiscal cliff, which refers to a combination of expiring huge tax cuts and automatic spending reductions from the beginning of 2013.

The fiscal cliff of tax hikes and spending cuts that the U.S. is facing threaten to derail the economy’s growth.

The U.S. tax increases and spending cuts predicted in January 2013 under the fiscal cliff will lead to a deeper recession.

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