financial management

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

financial management

財務管理(資金調達やその運用などの管理) (企業の)資金繰り 金融操作 (政府の)金融管理

financial managementの関連語句

financial management

財務管理(資金調達やその運用などの管理) 金銭の管理 (企業の)資金繰り 金融操作 (政府の)金融管理

financial managementの用例

The bankruptcy of Incubator Bank of Japan gave rise to concern over the company’s financial management.

Young carers are responsible for a wide range of tasks, including preparing meals and other housework, dropping off and picking up siblings from nursery school, in addition to assisting with bathing and toilet needs, medication and financial management, and accompanying people on outings.

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