
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)危機 経営危機 重大局面 難局 重大な岐路 分かれ目 (重大事態の)山場 峠 暴落 恐慌 不安 不足 事件 事故 問題 リスク (複数形=crises;⇒business crisis, currency crisis, economic crisis, financial crisis, global crisis, global financial crisis)



According to a Diet-appointed investigation panel, excessive intervention by the Prime Minister’s Office impeded efforts to contain the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

After taking the helm as the 46th president of the United States at the U.S. Capitol which had been battered by an insurrectionist siege two weeks earlier, Joe Biden appealed for unity to tackle the deeply divided nation’s crises.

An expanded FTA is a key to bolstering growth in the EU indispensable to overcome its fiscal and financial crises.

As countermeasures against South Korean President Lee’s words and deeds, Japan may scale down a credit line Japan was prepared to set for a bilateral currency swap deal designed for the transfer of foreign currencies to one of the two countries in time of a monetary crisis.

Behind these cautious views among large manufacturers are uncertainty over the debt crisis in the eurozone and the slowdown in the U.S. economy.

Business conditions are rapidly deteriorating due to the global financial crisis and the worldwide economic downturn.

Disarray due to the financial crisis in Cyprus, a small island nation in the Mediterranean Sea, has begun to rattle the global economy.

Doctors at Saitama Medical College conducted a sex-change operation on a man who had a gender identity crisis.

General contractors, many of them mired by the business slump, have been working to overcome their current crisis through management integration.

If a crisis breaks out on the Korean Peninsula, the alliance among Japan, the United States and South Korea, based on the Japan-U.S. security framework.

In a government reshuffle Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi had promised to assuage public anger over an economic crisis, the president fired his finance and interior ministers.

In a teleconference with Jordanian King Abdullah II, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed his gratitude for Jordan’s cooperation in the Japanese hostage crisis.

In connection with the Ukraine situation, no country must be allowed to change its national borders by threat of force, and the international community should unite in addressing the Ukraine crisis.

In order to potentially bring a face-saving end to a diplomatic crisis, the U.S. and China outlined a tentative deal to send a Chinese blind rights activist to the U.S.

In response to the worsening humanitarian crisis, Japan also must rack its brains to further contribute to supporting refugees in countries in neighboring Syria.

In the face of the Black Monday stock crisis in 1987 and the financial crisis involving major hedge funds in 1998, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board prevented the U.S. economy from falling into catastrophe by supplying a large amount of funds into financial markets.

In the hostage-taking crisis by Islamic extremists at a natural gas complex in In Amenas in eastern Algeria, the government set up a countermeasures task force comprising ministers concerned to deal with the crisis.

In the wake of the crisis at TEPCO’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, public opinion has turned strongly against electric power companies.

Many economies across the globe have been slowing down due to European fiscal and financial crisis and the Japanese economy has faced similar downward pressure.

Spain’s options for stemming the country’s financial crisis are being limited due to a grinding recession, higher unemployment and social unrest.

The future of the U.S. economy is uncertain due to reverberations from the debt crisis in Europe.

The Greek crisis would spread to other eurozone economies and jeopardize the foundation of the European economy if the crisis once again spills over to Spain and Italy.

The Hamas-Israeli conflict worsened to a perilous crisis in which Israel prepared for a ground invasion of Gaza.

The Japanese economy is by no means facing a serious crisis.

The Japan-U.S. acquisition and cross servicing agreement (ACSA) has been updated so that U.S. forces and the SDF can exchange food and fuel not only during peacetime, but also in the event of a crisis.

The latest crisis unfolded against a backdrop of domestic unrest in both countries, as they struggle to overcome the many problems confronting them on the economic, political and cultural fronts.

The money market is overheated by massive money inflows from banks on fading concerns over a financial system crisis.

The record trade deficit of ¥6.9 trillion in 2012 far exceeded ¥2.6 trillion in 1980 that immediately followed the second oil crisis.

The Russian economy has been pummeled by the slide in oil prices and Western sanctions over Moscow’s role in the Ukraine crisis.

The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong.

The solid waste disposal problem has reached crisis proportions in the major cities of the United States.

The U.S. FRB has carried out quantitative monetary easing three times to end the financial crisis and prop up business activity ever since the crisis that erupted following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008.

The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis is the largest factor behind the recent turmoil in the global economy.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報



[名](複)-ses /-siːz/[C][U]

1 危機,重大局面,決定的段階,転機;恐慌([連語] [形]+crisis:〔重大〕serious/grave/profound/severe;〔悪化〕mounting/growing/escalating/worsening;〔継続〕on-going/prolonged;〔種類〕banking/financial/political/energy/environmental/oil/fuel/moral/identity/spiritual

the debt crisis

a food crisis

be in (a) crisis

bring ... to a crisis

handle [deal with] the crisis

Things are coming [drawing] to a crisis.

1a 精神的危機

2 (劇・小説などの)山場

3 《医学》峠,危機

pass the crisis




出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例