belong to

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

belong to

〜に属する[所属する、帰属する] 〜の部類である 〜の仲間である

belong toの関連語句

belong toの用例

After 650,000 bitcoins belonging to customers, worth ¥22.9 billion as of Aug. 1, 2015, and ¥2.8 billion in cash disappeared from the computer systems of Mt. Gox, the virtual currency trading firm has become unable to make reimbursements to its clients.

A plane belonging to China’s State Oceanic Administration intruded into Japanese airspace near the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.

A propeller aircraft belonging to China’s State Oceanic Administration intruded into the airspace over the Senkakus in December 2012.

By running ads in major U.S. newspapers claiming that the Senkakus belong to China, China has launched a propaganda campaign against Japan.

China enacted its Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone in 1992, which specifies that the Senkakus belong to China.

During questioning, the defendant is said to have described items belonging to the victim.

Freelancers undertake work as sole proprietors without belonging to companies.

Freelancers who don’t belong to companies are not eligible for generous benefits because the current social security system is designed mainly for company employees.

Terbium and yttrium which belong to seven light rare earth elements are necessary to manufacture fluorescent lamps used as backlights of liquid crystal televisions.

The current top three executives of the Liberal Democratic Party don’t belong to any intraparty faction the party will put an end to faction-oriented politics.

The Patent Law stipulates that patents obtained as a result of duties performed by a corporate employee belong to the employee.

To ensure fair international commercial trade, the law against unfair competition stipulates that both individuals involved in bribery and the corporations they belong to should be punished.

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