
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(形)年を取った 年老いた 老年の 老齢の 年数を経た 齢(よわい)を重ねた 〜歳の 熟成した 年代ものの まろやかになった



A male passenger, aged 71, committed self-immolation by pouring a flammable liquid from a white plastic tank over his head and setting it alight on the Nozomi 225 bullet train speeding near Odawara .

As a negative aspect to lowering the upper limit on the age at which minors are subject to the Juvenile Law, from “under 20” to “under 18,” it could be that those aged 18-19 would not be given educative treatment based on the Juvenile Law.

As of August 14, 2010, people aged 100 or older who were unaccounted for numbered 242 throughout the country.

Elderly people aged 65 or more who have already received their first dose in their local municipality will not be eligible to receive a second dose at the mass inoculation sites of Tokyo and Osaka Prefecture.

For fear of sparking a backlash from the elderly, government administration since 2008 have capped the proportion of the medical expenses of people aged 70 to 74 who must pay out of their own pockets at 10 percent as a special measure.

If the revised Public Offices Election Law is applied to the upper house election scheduled in 2016, about 2.4 million minors aged 18 and 19 will be added to eligible voters.

Public aid for fertility treatment may be limited to women aged 39 or younger.

The government will offer a lump-sum payment if abductees who are aged 65 or older return to Japan from North Korea.

The heart of a brain-dead child aged under six was transplanted to a girl aged under 10 suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy at Osaka University Hospital.

To build a sustainable social security system, the government will raise the percentage of out-of-pocket payments paid at hospitals by elderly people aged 75 or older from 10% to 20%, for single-person households with an annual income of ¥2 million or more.

Under the stipulation of the current juvenile law, those aged under 18 who commit serious crimes that would draw a life sentence if committed by an adult should be sentenced to a maximum sentence of 15 years.

Under the stipulation of the Health Insurance Law, people aged 70 to 74 must pay 20 percent of their medical expenses when they are treated at a hospital.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 /éidʒid/〔限定〕年とった,老いた,老齢の,年を経た,古くなった(ように見える)

an aged man

1a /éidʒd/〔後ろに数詞を伴って〕…歳の

a man aged 70 years

2 /éidʒd/〈酒・チーズ・木材などが〉熟成した,まろやかになった

aged wine

3 /éidʒid/《地学》古い,老年期の(old);〈地形が〉準平原に近い

4 /éidʒd/〈馬などが〉成長した(◆通例馬は6-12歳,牛は3-4歳)

━━/éidʒid/[名]〔通例the ~;集合的に;複数扱い〕老人(old people)



出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例