
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(前)〜に対して 〜に対抗して 〜に反対して 〜に逆らって 〜に反して 〜に違反して 〜に不利で 〜と関連して 〜が背景となって 〜を背景[バック]に 〜を背にして 〜と引換えに 〜と比べて 〜と照らし合わせて 〜に備えて 〜を考慮して 〜を禁止する 対(versus) (⇒protest動詞)



According to the Consumer Affairs Agency, some social games are against the law.

According to the National Police Agency, about 4,000 to 5,000 cases of sexual violence against children are recorded every year, and many sex offenders tend to repeatedly commit similar acts of abuse.

Against such a background, it’s difficult for Japanese manufacturers to stay competitive in the international market when no reliable, low-cost electric power is available.

As further countermeasures against Lee’s words and deeds, the Japanese government is considering such steps as postponing a Japan-South Korea summit meeting and intergovernmental consultations.

As many sex offenders against children tend to repeatedly commit similar acts of abuse, it is difficult for them to reintegrate into society after they completed their terms.

As part of countermeasures against black companies, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry will ask companies that hire university students and others through Hello Work job placement offices to reveal their employee turnover rates from the fiscal year (FY) 2014.

As part of measures against bullying, the enactment of a basic law on measures to prevent bullying is also being studied.

At recent shareholders meetings of companies with business terms that ended in March, “activist shareholders” including foreign funds have applied pressure on corporate management by arguing against management policy.

Both the Japanese economy and Chinese businesses have been impacted by the boycott against Japanese goods being staged in protest of Japan’s nationalization of the Senkakus.

By running ads in major U.S. newspapers claiming that the Senkakus belong to China, China has launched a propaganda campaign against Japan.

By winning the best-of-seven Kisei match against defending champion Zhang Xu, Yuta Iyama became the first professional go player to hold six of seven major titles simultaneously.

China is losing the amount of international trust by unilaterally continuing its diplomacy of pressure against Japan.

China, which has been striving to become a great maritime power backed by a strong military, will surely continue its hard-line stance against Japan, Vietnam and other neighbors in the East and South China seas.

Despite strong criticism from Washington’s trading partners against high tariffs on steel imports to rescue the ailing U.S. steel industry, the USTR stressed the legitimacy of such safeguard measures.

Deteriorating business sentiment among large companies will be certain to increase pressure against the Bank of Japan to relax its monetary policy.

During demonstrations against the new Constitution of Egypt, there have been deaths in clashes with Islamist forces.

During the match against Switzerland, Messi, a key member of the Argentina football team, showed excellent form.

During the presidential debate against Republican challenger Mitt Romney, U.S. President Barack Obama remained low-key.

European automakers have launched low-interest loan and cost-free repair campaigns by taking advantage of the yen’s strength against the euro.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke out strongly against the ostracism of Muslims following the assaults in France by Yemen’s Al-Qaida branch.

Germany and France have led the countermeasures against European fiscal crisis.

In contrast to the glowing touches put into place for the opening of the sports event, the Sochi Winter Olympics is under tight security against an Islamist radical group’s terrorist attacks.

In its fight against the growing threat of cybercrime and cyberterrorism, the government is seeking white-hat hackers to aid it.

In the 2014 FIFA World Cup Group Stage, Japan launched a wave of attacks against 10-man Greece. But Japan ended in a bitter, scoreless draw as it lacked the finishing touch.

In the lawsuits against big banks over the sales of risky investments, the U.S. government wants to be compensated for lost principal and interest payments.

In the wake of the crisis at TEPCO’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, public opinion has turned strongly against electric power companies.

In the wake of the spread of infections with the new coronavirus (COVID-19), Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has issued a declaration of a state of emergency based on the revised law on special measures against new strains of influenza to stem infections and to protect the medical system.

Italian voters’ backlash against Prime Minister Mario Monti’s austerity policy was so fierce that his Civil Choice party was crushed in the general election of February 2013.
モンティ伊首相の緊縮政策に対するイタリアの有権者の反発が激しく、2013年2月の総選挙で、モンティ率いる政党のCivil Choice(市民の選択)は惨敗した。

It is necessary to place more emphasis on the dividend policy as part of defense against a takeover.

Japan must enhance its deterrence against North Korea as Japan is already within the range of North Korea’s Rodong intermediate-range ballistic missile by strengthening its alliance with the United States.

Japan must maintain a guard against military proactive acts by China and North Korea and increase its efforts to deter such acts.

Japan, the United States and many other countries boycotted the 1980 Moscow Summer Games in protest against the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan the previous year,

Japan voted for the U.N. resolution upgrading Palestine’s status at the world body and held the line against the United States which opposed it.

Judicial proceedings against the anti-Japan activists from Hong Kong were not taken as their action did not constitute a serious violation of law, such as the obstruction of public duties.

“Kompu gacha” (complete gacha) online games played on mobile phones are banned under the Law against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations.

Major opposition parties submitted to the lower house a no-confidence motion against the Cabinet of Prime Minister Abe.

More and more consumers are concerned about protecting themselves against the planned consumption tax hike, so the battle to attract customers among supermarkets is likely to continue.

On field days held in spring or autumn by many schools, red and white teams compete against each other for scores in events such as footraces and tug-of-war.

Powell described the disagreement between the United States and France over military action against Iraq as a blip in the relationship.

Prime Minister Kan and Bank of Japan Gov. Shirakawa did not discuss a currency intervention to stem the yen’s rise against other major currencies.

Protesters around the world are taking to the streets to protest for and against a possible U.S.-led military attack in Syria to punish the Assad administration for its alleged use of chemical weapons against the people.

Regarding Egypt’s new Constitution established under the initiative of President Morsi, a former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, secular and liberal elements have vigorously protested against the Constitution as it strongly emphasizes Islamic values, such as prohibiting “insults to the Prophet Mohammed.”

South Africa’s former president Nelson Mandela’s stature as a fighter against apartheid and a seeker of peace with his enemies is reputed to be on a par with that of Martin Luther King Jr. and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi known as Indian political leader Mahatma Gandhi.

South Korea has seen a plunge of the won against major currencies amid the worldwide financial meltdown.

Spain’s former King Juan Carlos left Spain after a barrage of corruption allegations surfaced against him, with no indication of where he may have gone.

The core nationwide CPI, which excludes volatile fresh food prices, stood at 99.3 against the base of 100 for 2005.

The damages lawsuit will end in a total defeat for the plaintiffs as the Supreme Court has decided to dismiss an appeal by the plaintiffs against the government.

The effectiveness and safety of the vaccine against HPV-16 and HPV-18 in preventing cervical cancer has been proved.

The European Union agreed to suspend economic sanctions against Myanmar for one year.

The first faint glimmers of a silver lining around the economy can be seen, but the lingering dearth of demand remains in shackles of ongoing efforts against deflation.

The FRB’s policymakers waged war against economic weakness last year with 11 interest rate cuts.

The government and the BOJ should step up their vigilance against the worse of the domestic economy and make all-out efforts to revive economic growth.

The government will file a criminal complaint against Novartis Pharma K.K. on suspicion that the firm’s ads were tantamount to exaggerated advertising.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry plans to create a telephone counseling service for young employees to hear their voices of protest against the harsh working conditions of black companies.

The House of Councilors passed a censure motion against Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda.

The international community must stand firm against terrorism and stamp it out.

The Japanese government plans to call for the adoption of a sanctions resolution against North Korea at the U.N. Security Council.

There are no signs that Chinese protests against Japan’s nationalization of the Senkakus will subside anytime soon.

The Samurai Japan team’s breathtaking seesaw game against Taiwan in the second round of the World Baseball Classic was filled with the best aspects of baseball.

The Senate impeachment trial against U.S. President Donald Trump has started with a fight over rules governing the proceedings.

The Supreme Court has rejected the appeal by a corporate manager against a high court ruling.

The United States, Japan and South Korea agreed to take tough action against alleged illegal activities by North Korea, including drug smuggling and money counterfeiting.

The upper house adopted a censure against Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda at a plenary meeting.

The yen lost ground against higher-yielding currencies.

The yen’s appreciation advanced, briefly hitting the ¥93 level against the dollar.

This reckless violence by Chinese anti-Japan demonstrators followed vandalism against Japanese-affiliated companies in a number of places in China.

To attend the Republican National Convention, Republicans assembled in Tampa, Fla. which had already battened down against the approach of a tropical storm.

To cover the shortfall in domestically produced vaccine, the government plans to import vaccine against the new Type A/H1N1 strain of influenza from two European makers.

To ensure fair international commercial trade, the law against unfair competition stipulates that both individuals involved in bribery and the corporations they belong to should be punished.

To extricate a woman who fell down the gap between a train and the platform, about 40 Good Samaritan bystanders helped station staff push against the side of the train.

Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara denounced the weak-kneed diplomacy of the central government against China.

To prevent insider trading using information leaked by securities firms, it will be necessary to introduce criminal penalties against firms that provide the information.

To take countermeasures against foreign rivals, domestic automakers have been emphasizing low prices and practicality in marketing their products.

U.S. President Barack Obama railed against the U.S. lax gun laws by blaming them for murder rates which are three times higher than those in other developed countries.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報


/əɡénst, əɡéinst/


1 〈物理的な力など〉と対立して…に逆らって,〈風・水・光など〉に抵抗して;〈壁・窓など〉にもたれて,あてがって,押しつけて,ぶつかって

swim [row] against the current [tide]

shade one's eyes against the sun

lean the mop against the wall

press [put, place] one's ear against the wall

the rain beating against the window

1a 〈敵・問題など〉と対決して…と戦って,争って,…を相手にして,〈病気・犯罪・差別など〉と対決して,…を防ぐための,…を禁じる;〈不利なこと〉に備えて,…をこうむらないように

the fight against terrorism [cancer, inflation]

be [come] up against ...

He played well against England.

an insurance against old age

protect against infections

1b 〈考え・規則など〉に反対して…に逆らって,〈法律・規則など〉に違反して,〈予測など〉に反して;〈人・物などを〉きらって

against one's parents' wishes

argue against ...

be against racism

Everyone has something against him.

1c 〈人〉に不利な[に],都合悪く

the evidence against a person

His age is against him.

They knew the odds were against them.


2 〈背景〉と対照をなして…を背にして,〈空など〉を背景にして,…と対比[コントラスト]をなして

a light color against a dark background

2a 〈物・事〉と対比して…と比較して,…と照らし合わせて,突き合わせて,〈ある価値〉を担保にして

the yen against the dollar

the majority of 50 against 30

against the value of a person's home



出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例