affiliated loan

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

affiliated loan

提携ローン (融資先(顧客)の返済能力などの審査を信販会社が行い、融資するお金は銀行が出す仕組みのローン。銀行融資ローンより審査が迅速で、銀行にとっては融資先が広がる利点がある)

affiliated loanの用例

Credit loan companies screen customers’ ability to repay before banks provide loans in an affiliated loan program. And when the companies confirm the customers are suitable for banks to extend a loan, they guarantee repayment of the loans.

In affiliated loans, banks are required to void the transactions by demanding credit loan companies repay the loans if the banks find problems with their loan customers.

In an affiliated loan program, loan applicant screenings before banks provide loans are conducted by credit loan companies.

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