
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)シリア (正式国名はSyrian Arab Republicで、首都Damascus)


About 4 million people have fled Syria where a civil war continues to such countries as Turkey and Jordan.

According to the Japanese Embassy in Turkey, a Japanese journalist was shot dead at close range in a northern city of war-torn Syria.

After British Members of Parliament (MPs) rejected military intervention in Syria, British Prime Minister David Cameron conceded that “the British Parliament does not want to see British military action.”

Arming rival camps in Syria may spark a proxy war.

Freelance photojournalist Kenji Goto killed by the Islamic State was advised to refrain from visiting Syria by an official of the Foreign Ministry’s Consular Affairs Bureau.

Frustrated by finger pointing at the United Nations, former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan is resigning as international peace envoy to Syria.

If the political uncertainty of Turkey, a regional power that borders civil war-hit Syria and Iraq which is in the middle of national rebuilding, becomes prolonged, its burgeoning economy could suffer a setback.

Protesters around the world are taking to the streets to protest for and against a possible U.S.-led military attack in Syria to punish the Assad administration for its alleged use of chemical weapons against the people.

Russia and China have supported the Assad regime of Syria.

Russia and China maintained their hard stance against adopting the U.N resolution condemning the Assad regime of Syria.

Russia and China, two permanent members, exercised their veto power to block the U.N. resolution condemning the Assad regime of Syria.

Russia has blunted the efforts of major powers to condemn Syria’s President Bashar Assad.

Russia opposes the enforcement of anti-Syria sanctions because Syria is an important importer of weapons from Russia, and Syria provides the Russian Navy with supply bases.

The conclusions of the U.N. chemical weapons investigation team in Syria could have a dramatic impact on the trajectory of Syria’s civil war.

The EU is trying to slow down the influx of refugees and illegal migrants from the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere and build a system to support refugees in countries neighboring Syria, a country where a civil war continues.

The number of foreign fighters traveling to Syria is increasing at a rate without precedent.

The revolution is spreading and has tightened the noose around the Assad regime in Syria.

The United States urged Russia to get behind a political transition plan to avert a civil war in Syria.

The U.N. observer mission in Syria called on both President Assad and his opposition to stop fighting and allow a tenuous ceasefire to take hold.

The UNSC resolution requiring Syria to give up its chemical weapons passed after two weeks of white-knuckle negotiations and marked a major breakthrough in the paralysis which has gripped the council.

The use of chemical weapons in Syria has underlined the need to enhance the efforts to do away with the weapons.

The war-torn Syria has been brought to the brink of a wider conflict by a suspected chemical weapons attack.

To disrupt planning for imminent attacks on the West, U.S. forces carried out strikes against Al-Qaida affiliate in Syria.

To investigate three alleged incidents of chemical attacks in Syria, the United Nations made behind-the-scenes talks aimed at getting chemical experts on the ground.

To stem the bloodshed due to a civil war in Syria, international mediator Lakhdar Brahimi has called for a ceasefire during the Islamic Eid al-Adha holiday.

U.S. President Barack Obama tamped down the prospect that U.S. military action in Syria, an important base of Islamic State militants, is imminent.

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[名]シリア(アラブ共和国)(Syrian Arab Republic)(◇地中海東岸の共和国;首都 Damascus)

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