Lehman shock [Shock]

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Lehman shock [Shock]

リーマン・ブラザーズ破たんの衝撃 リーマン・ショック (リーマン・ブラザーズの経営破たんを契機に起こった世界的な株式暴落、金融危機のこと。⇒headline)

Lehman shock [Shock]の用例

According to the BOJ’s Tankan survey for June 2020, Japanese manufacturers’ confidence in the second quarter sank to the lowest levels since 2009 after the Lehman shock, due to damages from the coronavirus pandemic.

Companies which had held back on hiring new graduates because of the Lehman shock started again to actively take on new employees.

The firm should take credit for putting itself on a robust growth path again by overcoming the adverse effects of the Lehman shock and the Great East Japan Earthquake.

The total assets of the Federal Reserve Board have soared to $2.87 trillion at the end of June 2011 from $896.2 billion as of the end of March 2008, prior to the Lehman shock.

Toyota’s projected operating profit for fiscal 2013 will be the highest since it posted its largest-ever profit of ¥2.27 trillion in the business year ended in March 2008 before the Lehman shock in September 2008.

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