Japan Coast Guard

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Japan Coast Guard

海上保安庁 (⇒survey ship, territorial waters, videotape)

Japan Coast Guardの用例

After a Chinese fishing boat collided with Japan Coast Guard’s patrol vessels near the Senkakus in 2010, China suspended rare earth exports to Japan and dealt a blow to Japanese manufacturers.

As a Chinese airplane intruded into Japanese airspace, the Air Self-Defense Force scrambled eight F-15 fighters and an early-warning aircraft after the airplane was spotted by a Japan Coast Guard patrol ship.

During the Imperial couple’s commemorative visit to Palau 70 years after the World War II, the couple stayed overnight aboard the Akitsushima vessel of the Japan Coast Guard, anchored off Koror Island.

In Japan’s exclusive economic zone around Okinawa, a Chinese patrol boat confronted a Japan Coast Guard survey ship and demanded to stop conducting marine research.

Patrol operations by the Japan Coast Guard must be beefed up to control illegal exploration activities for seafloor resources by foreign vessels.

The government must strengthen the Japan Coast Guard’s capabilities to counter any infringement on Japan’s sovereignty.

The government will bolster the Japan Coast Guard’s policing abilities to stably maintain and manage the Senkaku Islands.

The Japan Coast Guard can’t relax its vigilance and surveillance activities as ships sent by the Chinese authorities have often entered Japan’s territorial waters after the Japanese government’s nationalization of the Senkaku Islands.

The Japan Coast Guard responded to the recent trespassers in the Senkaku Islands without causing an accident.

The Japan Coast Guard’s patrol vessel confirmed a Chinese fishery monitoring ship was inside the contiguous zone.

The Japan Coast Guard which has about 360 patrol vessels has basically taken a scrap-and-build strategy for deploying patrol ships.

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